ClubElo The Case System Blog About Data API Stats Search

<  Sat, Mar 29th, 2025  >

Coaches (active)
Games (Results - Fixtures)
EUR Europe
 UCL UCL (8 teams)⌀1918
 UEL UEL (8 teams)⌀1742
 ECL ECL (8 teams)⌀1588
ENG England
 Level 1 (20 teams)⌀1784
 Level 2 (24 teams)⌀1504
ESP Spain
 Level 1 (20 teams)⌀1707
 Level 2 (22 teams)⌀1500
ITA Italy
 Level 1 (20 teams)⌀1703
 Level 2 (20 teams)⌀1456
FRA France
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1656
 Level 2 (18 teams)⌀1428
GER Germany
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1683
 Level 2 (18 teams)⌀1454
NED Netherlands
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1501
POR Portugal
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1505
  29 Sporting1776
  31 Benfica1775
  57 Porto1690
  80 Braga1653
  Casa Pia1466
  Rio Ave1461
  Santa Clara1453
  Gil Vicente1416
  AVS Futebol1390
  Estrela Amadora1382
BEL Belgium
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1505
TUR Turkey
 Level 1 (19 teams)⌀1417
CZE Czechia
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1411
SCO Scotland
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1375
GRE Greece
 Level 1 (14 teams)⌀1369
NOR Norway
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1392
RUS Russia
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1450
SRB Serbia
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1184
DEN Denmark
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1452
AUT Austria
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1403
UKR Ukraine
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1283
POL Poland
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1407
CRO Croatia
 Level 1 (10 teams)⌀1360
SWE Sweden
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1380
ISR Israel
 Level 1 (14 teams)⌀1320
ROM Romania
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1328
BUL Bulgaria
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1218
AZE Azerbaijan
SUI Switzerland
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1396
HUN Hungary
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1310
CYP Cyprus
SVN Slovenia
 Level 1 (10 teams)⌀1259
SLK Slovakia
MOL Moldova
KAZ Kazakhstan
BHZ Bosnia-Herzegovina
IRL Ireland
ARM Armenia
LAT Latvia
FIN Finland
ISL Iceland
KOS Kosovo
BLR Belarus
LIT Lithuania
GEO Georgia
MAC North Macedonia
FAR Faroe Islands
ALB Albania
EST Estonia
WAL Wales
NIR Northern Ireland
MLT Malta
MNT Montenegro
LUX Luxembourg
AND Andorra
GIB Gibraltar
SMR San Marino


Representing POR Portugal. Coach: Bruno Lage (since Sep 5th, 2024).
Elo: 1775 (Best: 1888, reached on May 3rd, 2013), Rank: 31 (Best: 2, 3 days in total, last on May 22nd, 1963), Tilt: +6.9%

#1500160017001800194219461950195419581962196619701974197819821986199019941998200220062010201420182022Lipót HertzkaBéla GuttmannCaiadoFernando RieraLajos CzeizlerElek SchwartzBéla GuttmannFernando RieraCabritaOtto GlóriaJosé AugustoJimmy HaganMilorad PavićMário WilsonJohn MortimoreMário WilsonLajos BarótiSven-Göran ErikssonPál CsernaiJohn MortimoreEbbe SkovdahlToniSven-Göran ErikssonToniArtur JorgeMário WilsonPaulo AutuoriManuel JoséMário WilsonGraeme SounessShéuJupp HeynckesJosé MourinhoToniJesualdo FerreiraCamachoGiovanni TrapattoniRonald KoemanFernando SantosCamachoChalanaQuique Sánchez FloresRui VitóriaBruno LageNélson VeríssimoJorge JesusNélson VeríssimoRoger SchmidtBruno LageOttoOtto GlóriaGlóriaOtto GlóriaBBéla GuttmannGBéla GuttmannFFernando RieraRFernando RieraOOtto GlóriaGOtto GlóriaJJimmy HaganHJimmy HaganJJohn MortimoreMJohn MortimoreLLajos BarótiBLajos BarótiSSven-Göran ErikssonGSven-Göran ErikssonESven-Göran ErikssonJJohn MortimoreMJohn MortimoreTToniSSven-Göran ErikssonGSven-Göran ErikssonESven-Göran ErikssonTToniGGraeme SounessSGraeme SounessJJupp HeynckesHJupp HeynckesJJesualdo FerreiraFJesualdo FerreiraCCamachoFFernando SantosSFernando SantosJorgeJorge JesusJesusJorge JesusRRui VitóriaVRui VitóriaBBruno LageLBruno LageJJorge JesusJJorge JesusRRoger SchmidtSRoger SchmidtBBruno LageLBruno LageBenfica

Last 4 years

#18002022202320242025JorgeJorge JesusJesusJorge JesusNélsonNélson VeríssimoVeríssimoNélson VeríssimoRogerRoger SchmidtSchmidtRoger SchmidtBrunoBruno LageLageBruno LageBenfica



DateOpponentClubWinLossRankEloRankEloResultMatch Odds(Leg 1)DrawGameElo points won or lost from that gameElo +/-ΔEloElo points difference including Home Field AdvantageAdjAdjustments due to Portugese results in Europe-3.61344Famalicão-Tue, Jan 21st, 202527+2.1-6.9Sporting (2025-02-11): -6.9 -1780178468%19%13%51464121784AAway0+1.8-2.3Porto (2025-02-20): -2.1 Sporting (2025-02-19): -0.8 Benfica (2025-02-18): +0.6 --HHome-13Barcelona-Sat, Jan 4th, 2025+13.4Porto (2025-01-30): +2.2 Braga (2025-01-30): +5.3 Sporting (2025-01-29): -1.2 Benfica (2025-01-29): +7.0 1781Wed, Jan 29th, 20253+361HFA: +61-12.1Porto (2025-01-23): -4.6 Braga (2025-01-23): -1.8 Sporting (2025-01-22): -2.9 Benfica (2025-01-21): -2.8 89.2% after10.8% after52.6%47.4%+2.7+7.3AAwayAAway631178217591Sun, Feb 2nd, 202525--20HFA: +85Fri, Mar 28th, 2025-6.7Guimarães (2025-03-13): -5.4 Benfica (2025-03-11): -1.3 34%27%39%-4-Barcelona2100.0% after0.0% after84.8%15.2%33180%14%7%-82%13%5%-19.4HHome0+255HFA: +5916%22%62%3-7.3041AAwayCasa Pia-3.94Gil Vicente+229HFA: +62-361Monaco17721+2.81772Sat, Mar 8th, 2025+398HFA: +611+1.10)27375%16%9%+345HFA: +60+2.1Porto (2025-02-13): -0.6 Benfica (2025-02-12): +2.7 1)BarcelonaSanta Clara-213HFA: +93AAwayFri, Jan 17th, 2025134AAway-AAway-174325Wed, Feb 12th, 2025+1.50HHomeTue, Mar 11th, 2025-175617631792330Wed, Mar 5th, 20254.7% after95.3% after25.4%74.6%89%8%3%+230HFA: +60139430177702Sat, Jan 25th, 20253Monaco+321HFA: +610.0% after100.0% after7.0%93.0%Sat, Feb 15th, 2025Sat, Feb 22nd, 202514672+3.3-17791625286192678%15%7%+248HFA: +60+119HFA: +9168%20%13%+18.8HHome2HHome1477341443-Juventus73%17%10%1416Braga1494-13.367%19%14%HHome-+1.7(0-52HFA: +8918630Rio AveHHome30Sat, Feb 8th, 202514733Tue, Feb 18th, 2025-235HFA: +9030881027+298HFA: +61Boavista1928(165%21%14%25-241775+497HFA: +58Estrela AmadoraNacional1887MoreirenseSun, Mar 16th, 2025271783HHome-0.2Guimarães (2025-03-06): +1.2 Benfica (2025-03-05): -1.4 1782-80HFA: +93AAway21775



Strong againstGamesGoalsElo PointsWeak againstGamesGoalsElo Points
POR Académica120334-104+86.4POR Porto173254-258-215.4
POR Sporting173287-232+74.7POR Boavista122271-99-122.2
POR Paços Ferreira48126-35+55.7GER Bayern139-36-71.2
ITA Juventus915-9+54.3POR Farense51123-40-54.9
POR Atlético CP48140-37+46.2POR Varzim42101-23-48.0


Strong againstGamesGoalsElo PointsWeak againstGamesGoalsElo Points
FRA French clubs4359-44+93.7GER German clubs5358-91-124.8
ROM Romanian clubs1213-5+51.8ITA Italian clubs4148-57-35.0
HUN Hungarian clubs1437-13+45.2GRE Greek clubs2029-23-34.1
NED Dutch clubs3045-34+37.3RUS Russian clubs2228-23-33.5
DEN Danish clubs1636-9+36.2ENG English clubs4055-72-30.8


Strong againstGamesGoalsElo PointsWeak againstGamesGoalsElo Points
Juca2467-16+72.6José Romão2443-19-54.4
Paulo Autuori1840-6+61.2Raul Águas1525-16-53.0
Miguel Muñoz311-6+41.8Paco Fortes1936-18-43.7
Augusto Inácio1938-10+40.5Raphaël Wicky20-7-39.5
Marinho Peres1826-10+38.3Fernando Vaz3784-44-38.9


Games in last 4 yearsAll games on record