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<  Wed, Mar 12th, 2025  >

Coaches (active)
Games (Results - Fixtures)
EUR Europe
 UCL UCL (8 teams)⌀1837
 UEL UEL (16 teams)⌀1700
 ECL ECL (16 teams)⌀1529
ENG England
 Level 1 (20 teams)⌀1774
 Level 2 (24 teams)⌀1495
ESP Spain
 Level 1 (20 teams)⌀1701
 Level 2 (22 teams)⌀1495
FRA France
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1660
 Level 2 (18 teams)⌀1432
ITA Italy
 Level 1 (20 teams)⌀1705
  5 Inter1954
  9 Atalanta1871
  13 Napoli1838
  15 Juventus1821
  19 Roma1799
  21 Lazio1794
  28 Milan1778
  30 Bologna1773
  39 Fiorentina1743
  48 Torino1716
  65 Udinese1678
  74 Genoa1667
  98 Como1605
  99 Cagliari1604
 Level 2 (20 teams)⌀1458
GER Germany
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1674
 Level 2 (18 teams)⌀1446
NED Netherlands
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1510
POR Portugal
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1510
BEL Belgium
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1507
SCO Scotland
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1381
TUR Turkey
 Level 1 (19 teams)⌀1412
CZE Czechia
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1411
GRE Greece
 Level 1 (14 teams)⌀1374
NOR Norway
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1397
RUS Russia
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1450
SRB Serbia
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1184
DEN Denmark
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1452
AUT Austria
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1401
UKR Ukraine
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1283
ROM Romania
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1330
POL Poland
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1402
CRO Croatia
 Level 1 (10 teams)⌀1360
SWE Sweden
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1376
ISR Israel
 Level 1 (14 teams)⌀1320
BUL Bulgaria
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1218
AZE Azerbaijan
SUI Switzerland
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1396
CYP Cyprus
HUN Hungary
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1310
SVN Slovenia
 Level 1 (10 teams)⌀1259
SLK Slovakia
MOL Moldova
KAZ Kazakhstan
BHZ Bosnia-Herzegovina
IRL Ireland
ARM Armenia
LAT Latvia
FIN Finland
ISL Iceland
KOS Kosovo
BLR Belarus
LIT Lithuania
GEO Georgia
MAC North Macedonia
FAR Faroe Islands
ALB Albania
EST Estonia
WAL Wales
NIR Northern Ireland
MLT Malta
MNT Montenegro
LUX Luxembourg
AND Andorra
GIB Gibraltar
SMR San Marino


Representing ITA Italy. Coach: Thiago Motta (since Jul 1st, 2024).
Elo: 1821 (Best: 2003, reached on Nov 7th, 2018), Rank: 15 (Best: 1, 1128 days in total, last on Mar 9th, 2000), Tilt: -12.4%

#160017001800190020001950195419581962196619701974197819821986199019941998200220062010201420182022Renato CesariniWilliam ChalmersJesse CarverLuigi BertoliniGyörgy SárosiAldo OlivieriSandro PuppoTeobaldo DepetriniLjubiša BroćićTeobaldo DepetriniCarlo ParolaJúlius KorostelevCarlo ParolaPaulo AmaralEraldo MonzeglioLuis CarnigliaErcole RabittiArmando PicchiČestmír VycpálekCarlo ParolaRino MarchesiDino ZoffGigi MaifrediGiovanni TrapattoniCarlo AncelottiMarcello LippiFabio CapelloDidier DeschampsGiancarlo CorradiniClaudio RanieriCiro FerraraAlberto ZaccheroniLuigi DelneriAntonio ConteMassimo CarreraAngelo AlessioAntonio ConteMaurizio SarriAndrea PirloMassimiliano AllegriPaolo MonteroThiago MottaRRenato CesariniCRenato CesariniWWilliam ChalmersCWilliam ChalmersJJesse CarverCJesse CarverGGyörgy SárosiSGyörgy SárosiAAldo OlivieriOAldo OlivieriSSandro PuppoPSandro PuppoLLjubiša BroćićBLjubiša BroćićCCarlo ParolaPCarlo ParolaPPaulo AmaralAPaulo AmaralHHeriberto HerreraHHeriberto HerreraČČestmír VycpálekVČestmír VycpálekCCarlo ParolaPCarlo ParolaGiovanniGiovanni TrapattoniTrapattoniGiovanni TrapattoniRRino MarchesiMRino MarchesiDDino ZoffZDino ZoffGGigi MaifrediMGigi MaifrediGGiovanni TrapattoniTGiovanni TrapattoniMMarcello LippiLMarcello LippiCCarlo AncelottiACarlo AncelottiMMarcello LippiLMarcello LippiFFabio CapelloCFabio CapelloCClaudio RanieriRClaudio RanieriLLuigi DelneriDLuigi DelneriAAntonio ConteCAntonio ConteAAntonio ConteCAntonio ConteMMassimiliano AllegriAMassimiliano AllegriMMaurizio SarriSMaurizio SarriMMassimiliano AllegriAMassimiliano AllegriTThiago MottaMThiago MottaJuventus

Last 4 years

#18002022202320242025Paolo MonteroAndreaAndrea PirloPirloAndrea PirloMassimilianoMassimiliano AllegriAllegriMassimiliano AllegriPPaolo MonteroMPaolo MonteroThiagoThiago MottaMottaThiago MottaJuventus



DateOpponentClubWinLossRankEloRankEloResultMatch Odds(Leg 1)DrawGameElo points won or lost from that gameElo +/-ΔEloElo points difference including Home Field AdvantageAdjAdjustments due to Italian results in Europe28%28%44%74-+140HFA: +95--7.3391174318321857160811Atalanta-16671397HHome61%23%16%0+195HFA: +422Benfica+36HFA: +421860-62%22%16%Atalanta151AAway65%23%12%-9.3Lazio (2025-01-30): -4.3 Roma (2025-01-30): +2.0 Bologna (2025-01-29): +1.0 Juventus (2025-01-29): -5.7 Atalanta (2025-01-29): +0.7 Milan (2025-01-29): -3.9 Inter (2025-01-29): +0.9 +3.51828Sat, Mar 29th, 20251969270%19%11%29%32%40%Cagliari-2.3Roma (2025-02-20): +1.9 Juventus (2025-02-19): -4.2 2HHomeAAwayPSV1214Genoa1Tue, Jan 21st, 2025--8538%29%33%200-Fri, Feb 7th, 2025Sat, Jan 25th, 2025HHomePSV10HHome+30HFA: +85+2.0Lazio (2025-03-06): +1.0 Fiorentina (2025-03-06): -1.2 Roma (2025-03-06): +1.1 Inter (2025-03-05): +1.2 +213HFA: +931845-123+176HFA: +4411871+5.118h00Berlin time0.0% after100.0% after67.7%32.3%Empoli184418043+0.5Inter (2025-03-11): +0.5 18631411-14.1Wed, Jan 29th, 2025140%30%30%981743+9.313AAway+206HFA: +4111Sat, Jan 11th, 2025Verona-81HFA: +43AAway6+2.8Lazio (2025-01-23): +1.7 Roma (2025-01-23): -2.9 Inter (2025-01-22): +0.7 Milan (2025-01-22): +1.1 Bologna (2025-01-21): +1.8 Atalanta (2025-01-21): +0.8 Juventus (2025-01-21): -0.3 170Sun, Feb 2nd, 2025AAway1914Sun, Feb 23rd, 2025+62HFA: +37Napoli-3.157%25%18%Inter161218h00Berlin timeSun, Mar 16th, 2025115-0.8Roma (2025-02-13): +0.6 Milan (2025-02-12): -1.1 Atalanta (2025-02-12): -1.0 Juventus (2025-02-11): +0.7 57%26%17%ComoAAway1321Sat, Jan 18th, 2025HHomeTue, Feb 11th, 2025141799Tue, Jan 14th, 2025Fiorentina+113HFA: +380225%29%46%415931838Wed, Feb 19th, 2025HHomeAAway1604184573.2% after26.8% after57.5%42.5%Brugge-1)--48HFA: +88-17.71835-35HFA: +4051(2130Milan37-1853-+2.7+30HFA: +4514HHome44%30%26%-10.7Atalanta (2025-02-18): -7.9 Milan (2025-02-18): -2.8 +4.0Mon, Mar 3rd, 202518691632Sun, Feb 16th, 20251238%29%33%AAwayHHome-+272HFA: +4411859Torino218660411821182146%30%24%1+2.2Sun, Mar 9th, 2025---95HFA: +38-18.813+241HFA: +374+3.51709-0.9+10.318401175401834



Strong againstGamesGoalsElo PointsWeak againstGamesGoalsElo Points
ITA Inter155222-166+223.8ITA Sampdoria130212-126-103.4
ITA Udinese101209-80+109.4ITA Cagliari88130-71-93.2
ITA Vicenza60113-46+55.6ITA Napoli136197-149-74.4
ITA Padova2663-21+53.3ITA Verona72120-60-67.5
ITA Piacenza1834-3+51.5ITA Torino132204-127-59.5


Strong againstGamesGoalsElo PointsWeak againstGamesGoalsElo Points
UKR Ukrainian clubs1022-5+47.9POR Portugese clubs2332-27-32.2
GER German clubs5790-67+41.3TUR Turkish clubs1014-9-31.4
FRA French clubs3144-28+36.5AUT Austrian clubs1637-15-22.1
SCO Scottish clubs1433-13+23.6NED Dutch clubs2332-25-20.8
CRO Croatian clubs48-0+20.2BLR Belarussian clubs22-2-16.8


Strong againstGamesGoalsElo PointsWeak againstGamesGoalsElo Points
Luigi Ferrero2040-15+58.6Osvaldo Bagnoli2735-31-82.0
Claudio Ranieri2239-19+50.2Carlo Mazzone4982-39-75.0
Giancarlo De Sisti1423-8+48.5Ferruccio Valcareggi2122-20-74.5
Giuseppe Meazza922-6+47.3Alberto Zaccheroni1624-24-64.7
Luciano Spalletti2948-26+46.2Delio Rossi1939-26-56.1


Games in last 4 yearsAll games on record