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<  Mon, Feb 17th, 2025  >

Coaches (active)
Games (Results - Fixtures)
EUR Europe
 UCL UCL (16 teams)⌀1813
 UEL UEL (16 teams)⌀1636
 ECL ECL (16 teams)⌀1443
ENG England
 Level 1 (20 teams)⌀1772
 Level 2 (24 teams)⌀1493
ITA Italy
 Level 1 (20 teams)⌀1717
 Level 2 (20 teams)⌀1469
ESP Spain
 Level 1 (20 teams)⌀1697
 Level 2 (22 teams)⌀1491
FRA France
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1657
 Level 2 (18 teams)⌀1429
GER Germany
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1677
  8 Bayern1906
  9 Leverkusen1905
  34 Dortmund1763
  40 RB Leipzig1745
  43 Frankfurt1737
  44 Stuttgart1732
  50 Mainz1708
  54 Wolfsburg1692
  69 Freiburg1671
  70 Gladbach1670
  81 Werder1644
  92 Augsburg1621
  95 Hoffenheim1612
  Union Berlin1601
  St. Pauli1577
 Level 2 (18 teams)⌀1449
NED Netherlands
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1513
POR Portugal
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1515
BEL Belgium
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1505
TUR Turkey
 Level 1 (19 teams)⌀1420
SCO Scotland
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1373
CZE Czechia
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1407
GRE Greece
 Level 1 (14 teams)⌀1382
RUS Russia
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1450
SRB Serbia
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1185
NOR Norway
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1378
AUT Austria
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1401
DEN Denmark
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1447
UKR Ukraine
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1283
CRO Croatia
 Level 1 (10 teams)⌀1360
SWE Sweden
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1378
ISR Israel
 Level 1 (14 teams)⌀1320
BUL Bulgaria
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1218
ROM Romania
 Level 1 (16 teams)⌀1325
POL Poland
 Level 1 (18 teams)⌀1396
AZE Azerbaijan
SUI Switzerland
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1398
HUN Hungary
 Level 1 (12 teams)⌀1318
CYP Cyprus
SVN Slovenia
 Level 1 (10 teams)⌀1253
SLK Slovakia
MOL Moldova
KAZ Kazakhstan
BHZ Bosnia-Herzegovina
IRL Ireland
ARM Armenia
LAT Latvia
FIN Finland
ISL Iceland
KOS Kosovo
BLR Belarus
LIT Lithuania
GEO Georgia
MAC North Macedonia
FAR Faroe Islands
ALB Albania
EST Estonia
WAL Wales
NIR Northern Ireland
MLT Malta
MNT Montenegro
LUX Luxembourg
AND Andorra
GIB Gibraltar
SMR San Marino


Representing GER Germany. Coach: Gerardo Seoane (since Jun 6th, 2023).
Elo: 1670 (Best: 1941, reached on Jan 25th, 1976), Rank: 70 (Best: 1, 398 days in total, last on Apr 3rd, 1976), Tilt: +15.6%

#12001300140015001600170018001900195419581962196619701974197819821986199019941998200220062010201420182022Fritz PliskaFritz SilkenKlaus DondorfFritz PliskaBernd OlesFritz LangnerWolf WernerGerd vom BruchBernd KraussJürgen GelsdorfHannes BongartzNorbert MeierFriedel RauschRainer BonhofEwald LienenHolger FachHorst KöppelDick AdvocaatHorst KöppelJupp HeynckesJos LuhukayChristian ZiegeHans MeyerMichael FrontzeckAndré SchubertDieter HeckingMarco RoseAdi HütterDaniel FarkeGerardo SeoaneFFritz PliskaPFritz PliskaFFritz SilkenSFritz SilkenKKlaus DondorfDKlaus DondorfFFritz PliskaPFritz PliskaBBernd OlesOBernd OlesFFritz LangnerLFritz LangnerHennesHennes WeisweilerWeisweilerHennes WeisweilerUdoUdo LattekLattekUdo LattekJuppJupp HeynckesHeynckesJupp HeynckesWWolf WernerWWolf WernerGGerd vom BruchvGerd vom BruchBGerd vom BruchJJürgen GelsdorfGJürgen GelsdorfBerndBernd KraussKraussBernd KraussHHannes BongartzBHannes BongartzHansHans MeyerMeyerHans MeyerHHolger FachFHolger FachHHorst KöppelKHorst KöppelJJos LuhukayLJos LuhukayMMichael FrontzeckFMichael FrontzeckLucienLucien FavreFavreLucien FavreAAndré SchubertSAndré SchubertDDieter HeckingHDieter HeckingMMarco RoseRMarco RoseAAdi HütterHAdi HütterDDaniel FarkeFDaniel FarkeGGerardo SeoaneSGerardo SeoaneGladbach

Last 4 years

#170018002022202320242025MarcoMarco RoseRoseMarco RoseAdiAdi HütterHütterAdi HütterDanielDaniel FarkeFarkeDaniel FarkeGerardoGerardo SeoaneSeoaneGerardo SeoaneGladbach



DateOpponentClubWinLossRankEloRankEloResultMatch Odds(Leg 1)DrawGameElo points won or lost from that gameElo +/-ΔEloElo points difference including Home Field AdvantageAdjAdjustments due to German results in EuropeFreiburgHHome115931HHome+11.39268HHomeHolstein-1.8Heidenheim (2024-12-19): -1.8 711+80HFA: +44165281533-197HFA: +4357%24%19%AAwayAAway--52HFA: +441673+0.71Sat, Dec 14th, 202434%26%40%70-13.0172473+5.338%27%35%RB Leipzig-9111655-Dortmund15h30Berlin time76-9HFA: +43183680Wolfsburg5Sat, Dec 7th, 20241621659Sun, Nov 24th, 2024HHome70146%25%29%+7.8-7.1Hoffenheim (2024-11-28): -3.4 Frankfurt (2024-11-28): +1.8 Heidenheim (2024-11-28): -2.0 Dortmund (2024-11-27): +2.0 Stuttgart (2024-11-27): -7.2 RB Leipzig (2024-11-26): -0.8 Bayern (2024-11-26): +1.7 Leverkusen (2024-11-26): +0.7 -3.3Hoffenheim (2025-01-30): +3.5 Frankfurt (2025-01-30): -2.1 Dortmund (2025-01-29): +1.0 Bayern (2025-01-29): +0.2 Leverkusen (2025-01-29): +0.6 RB Leipzig (2025-01-29): -3.1 Stuttgart (2025-01-29): -3.4 AAway16701+11HFA: +42-8.6Frankfurt (2024-12-12): -1.9 Hoffenheim (2024-12-12): -1.8 Heidenheim (2024-12-12): -4.3 Dortmund (2024-12-11): -2.6 Stuttgart (2024-12-11): +1.0 Leverkusen (2024-12-10): +2.5 RB Leipzig (2024-12-10): -3.0 Bayern (2024-12-10): +1.5 Bayern2Sat, Feb 8th, 2025165119166262%21%17%Werder97-143HFA: +49-80Tue, Jan 14th, 2025+121HFA: +4919162-56HFA: +471663+188HFA: +44-9.2+13.228%27%44%+6.2Sat, Nov 30th, 2024Sat, Dec 21st, 202475-7.3Hoffenheim (2025-01-23): -1.8 Frankfurt (2025-01-23): +0.8 RB Leipzig (2025-01-22): +2.5 Bayern (2025-01-22): -5.6 Dortmund (2025-01-21): -1.8 Stuttgart (2025-01-21): +1.1 Leverkusen (2025-01-21): -2.4 Sun, Nov 3rd, 202435%27%38%+93HFA: +4470HHome41020%24%56%1689Sat, Jan 18th, 2025Union Berlin0Leverkusen1621--AAway460Sat, Jan 25th, 202530Frankfurt18171-3.41660HeidenheimHHomeAugsburg31701647Stuttgart64+3.86121%24%55%15h30Berlin time-137HFA: +43-2.6HHome-5.7Heidenheim (2024-11-07): +1.9 Frankfurt (2024-11-07): +2.1 Hoffenheim (2024-11-07): +0.1 Stuttgart (2024-11-06): -3.6 Bayern (2024-11-06): +1.1 RB Leipzig (2024-11-05): -4.6 Leverkusen (2024-11-05): -3.1 Dortmund (2024-11-05): +0.5 +9.3Heidenheim (2025-02-13): +2.8 Bayern (2025-02-12): +0.7 Dortmund (2025-02-11): +5.8 1656AAway--162201507121637Sat, Feb 22nd, 2025-206HFA: +48Hoffenheim16%20%64%1652166516704+149HFA: +458%14%78%Sat, Feb 1st, 2025-25HFA: +47-AAway51%26%23%Sat, Mar 1st, 2025142-28%28%44%6773160967+7.1166970HHomeSat, Nov 9th, 2024-+7.435%30%35%-1Sat, Feb 15th, 20251547St. Pauli76AAway47%27%25%01904AAway16%20%64%-Sat, Jan 11th, 20251-316HFA: +4763+10HFA: +4717351665-Bochum1641+8.2



Strong againstGamesGoalsElo PointsWeak againstGamesGoalsElo Points
GER Köln126229-203+228.1GER Frankfurt104155-159-150.4
GER Bayern113143-217+127.1GER Stuttgart108145-177-133.7
GER Lautern84170-115+91.4GER Freiburg4762-77-123.5
GER Bielefeld4080-42+76.0GER Hertha70109-109-103.1
GER Horst Emscher1031-8+74.4GER Leverkusen100140-194-80.4


Strong againstGamesGoalsElo PointsWeak againstGamesGoalsElo Points
SRB Serbian clubs614-3+34.1ESP Spanish clubs1830-37-60.3
UKR Ukrainian clubs615-5+30.6ENG English clubs1721-33-31.5
NED Dutch clubs1025-8+29.8SCO Scottish clubs1220-17-24.9
FRA French clubs819-9+22.3AUT Austrian clubs1225-14-19.7
POR Portugese clubs47-2+17.8TUR Turkish clubs47-7-17.1


Strong againstGamesGoalsElo PointsWeak againstGamesGoalsElo Points
Rolf Schafstall1947-21+93.7Kuno Klötzer3855-69-87.9
Horst Buhtz1342-13+77.7Christian Streich2328-37-85.6
Jupp Heynckes2232-40+69.4Willi Reimann109-20-66.0
Adi Hütter827-10+56.9Ralf Rangnick1616-28-58.8
Thomas von Heesen511-0+54.5Jim McLean42-7-55.9


Games in last 4 yearsAll games on record